Week 6 (18th May)
Hi Year 6
Here you will find all of your home learning for this week.
There are learning tasks linked to reading and writing, maths and SPaG in both word and PDF formats.
Remember to keep doing your reading reflections and reading tasks on Reading Plus/ Reading Owls and also to keep practising your times tables using TT Rockstars as well. If you have a login for Doodle Maths, please remember to use that daily, it will help you keep your skills up to date!
We would really like to see some of the amazing work you produce so please send your one favourite piece of learning from the week to Y6teachers@shirleyschools.co.uk.
Here is the video linked in the reading and writing home learning pack - remember to follow the instructions and pause at the right places before watching it all the way through..... We trust you!!! :)