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Awarded for…

Extra notes

House points

General good behaviour, manners, having planners in school, completing reading reflections, handing holiday homework in, completing TT Rockstars sessions each week, etc.

These are added up each week by house captains and the house with the most house points earns the cup for that week.

The winning house each term gets a reward decided by the house captains.

Effort stars

Effort towards the different learning values: Curiosity and Imagination, Independence & Aspiration, Citizenship, Co-operation, Reflection and Problem-Solving.

Effort stars can be given for written work, group work, learning, completing jobs around school

In Friday assembly, each teacher chooses a child from their class to receive the certificate for the week, linked to the learning value for that half-term.

Senior Leaders have extra-fancy effort stickers that they award to children who are sent down to the Leadership office to show off their learning.

Children receive certificates in assemblies when they have reached 40, 80 and 120 effort stars.

Pen licence

Children are awarded their pen licence at the end of Year 3, or earlier if their handwriting is neat enough.

Pen licences can be temporarily revoked if handwriting standards slip.

Ladder of good choices

Each classroom has one of these with a name label for each child. When children make good choices, following the school’s golden Rules, they are asked to move their name up the ladder.  If they reach the top, they can take a mini-certificate home to celebrate.  If they are making choices that go against the Golden Rules then, after a verbal warning, they will be asked to move their name down the ladder to Stop and Think, and down further if they continue to make these choices. If they reach ‘Reflection’ or ‘Consequence’ then they will have a chance to discuss their choices with their teacher in a Repair and Rebuild discussion.

Ladder levels:


Amazing Choices

Great Choices

Good Choices


Stop and Think



Certificates for good manners and sportsman-ship

These are handed out in Friday Celebration assembly, to children chosen by the office staff (good manners) and Team Spirit coaches (sportsmanship).


Weekly Reading display

Classrooms each have a different display linked to their book corners, where children can move their names up the steps depending on how many times they have read and reflected that week.