Taking pride in school is important and looking smart is one way of showing this. School uniform gives a sense of belonging and also makes clothing your child more straightforward. Children should be in school colours at all times.
At Shirley Junior School children wear PE kit as uniform. We also ask that children bring in a book bag and water bottle. All items should be clearly labelled with your child's name.
We appreciate your efforts in maintaining a high standard of appearance.
All Shirley Junior School uniform can be purchased from Skoolkit in Totton, Southampton or online, or My Clothing online.
The school also runs its own second hand uniform shop with funds going to the school PTFA. The school uniform shop operates on a Wednesday morning between 8:30am - 8:50am from the community room area.
Boys PE Uniform
- Green sports hoodie/school jumper
- House T-shirt/white polo/PE shirt
- Black joggers/shorts (no logos/patterns)
- Trainers (plain black - no logos)
Girls PE Uniform
- Green sports hoodie/school jumper
- House T-shirt/white polo/PE shirt
- Green check summer dress (in this case a PE kit needs to be in school that they can change into for PA)
- Black joggers/leggings/shorts/skorts /PE skirt (no logos/patterns)
- Trainers (plain blank - no logos)
The Footwear
Trainers are the current footwear for school. These must be plain black with no markings or logos.
Swimming is a compulsory element of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 children and Year 5 children visit a nearby swimming pool. If they are unwell or are suffering from infectious conditions, verruca or open wounds, a letter asking to be excused is all that is needed.
All children should have a named apron or old shirt to wear when they are engaged in Art and Craft or other practical activities. This can be kept in your child's classroom.
Jewellery and Watches
For safety reasons children are asked not to wear any jewellery (apart from watches and religious jewellery) to school. If earring studs have to be worn, for safety reasons they should be removed for PE lessons or, if not possible, taped over by a parent that morning. Long hair must be tied back during PE lessons, regardless of gender.