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Week 1 (30th March)

Hi Year 4!

This week we have included some revision of the skills we have been learning this half term.

English: Recapping prepositional noun phrases and fronted adverbials. You will then apply this to a descriptive piece of writing about a rainforest picture. The WILD thesaurus we created as a year group has been included so you can improve your language choices.

Maths: a reminder on how to multiply 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit using the formal written method. We have include some prove its too. There is a multiplication square attached to as the focus is learning the method not to struggle with timetables you don't know yet.

Spelling: Mrs Andrews has created a reminder about the suffix -ly and two activities for you to complete this week.

We will post the answers to the daily starters and maths prove its at the end of the week.

Have a great week.

The Year 4 Team!