Secondary School
Year 6 is a very important time for the children and one of our aims at Shirley Juniors is that we prepare our leavers for life after primary school and for their future education. The move from year 6 to year 7 can be very exciting, if a little daunting. We work alongside the local secondary schools to make this transition as smooth as possible, ensuring that children are supported both emotionally and academically.
The main secondary school we feed to is:
- Upper Shirley High
Our Year 6 teachers liaise closely with all the schools that our children will be attending to create a profile of assessment data and transition needs for each child. All secondary schools send a representative member of staff to meet the children and discuss with them what their new school will be like. During the summer term all Year 6 children attend their prospective secondary schools for a Transition day(or days) where they meet their form tutors and take part in lessons.
We have strong links with Upper Shirley High and are both part of the same Multi Academy Partnership (The Jefferys Education Partnership). We believe in high quality, local education and our children and staff are involved in different activities which are held at or lead by Upper Shirley High e.g. sports sessions, maths lessons, library tasters and ICT sessions, which all help children with their transition.