Parent Forum
Each term a parent forum meeting is held at the school and chaired by the Deputy headteacher, Jo Tearle. These meetings are attended by the class representatives.
The parent forum is an important and valued communication link. It provides an opportunity for a representative group of parents/carers and the school to discuss whole-school issues that have been raised by multiple parents across different year groups. It enables positive feedback to be provided by parents/carers, and gives an opportunity for the school to discuss and seek feedback on new ideas and initiatives. Through their involvement in Parent Forum discussions, Class Representatives support other parents/carers to understand whole school and year group decisions made by the school. By working together, focussing on solutions and supporting each other to see different perspectives, we can continue to make Shirley Junior School a great place for children to thrive.
If you would like to feed anything back to the school, please provide information to your class representative who will raise it on your behalf at the next meeting.
Parent Forum Minutes: