Week 10 (22nd June)
HI Year 3,
Here is another week of home learning. Once again there is an English pack which includes the 5-a-day this week, a Maths pack with 5-a-day tasks and a spelling pack.
There is also a new project grid for Summer 2 based on Time Travellers - Southampton through time.
Mrs Tearle has also asked if you could record a short video to welcome the Y2s.
Extra request this week:
Dear Year 3 children - We would love you to send us some short videos that we can share with the current year 2 children, who will be next year's Year 3. If you would like to do this, please could you ask an adult to record you telling us a little bit about Year 3, and answering these questions:
- What do you like best about the juniors?
- What was the biggest change for you coming from the infants?
Please email your short (no more than 2 minutes) video to the Y3 teachers email address by Friday 19th June and we will choose a few to publish on the website!
Thank you - Mrs Tearle (Mrs Twirl!)
Thanks to those people who have already sent videos in.
Take care and keep sending those emails in - we love seeing everything you are doing.
The Year 3 Team.